> What programs/mechanisms is everyone using to create models for Soya3d? 
> If you were to create an animated chracter with textures/materials how
> would you do it?  Create each appendage as a separate object, the load
> them such that the body is the parent of the upper thigh for example? 
> Or would you create the character as a single model then save multiple
> positions and create the animation based on those?  Or is there a way
> for soya to easily use models with a bones structure (which I know
> almost nothing about).  And for the object material, is this something
> that needs added in Soya, or can we get that from loading the object in
> the first place?
> Last time I looked I don't remember seeing animated objects such as
> moving appendages in the Slune game, but it does have some nice looking
> buildings as well as other objects with materials.  How was all this
> content created?

There is an animation object (see tutoriel lesson 011), though it currently only 
supports moving objects relatively to other one (and not moving each point of an 
object); it corresponds to your first proposition (Create each appendage as a separate 
object...). We are planning to support also the other way (we call that "Morph")...

Slune does not use animation currently. Textures has been done with free software like 
the Gimp, and 3D model with Blender and / or the soya editor (quite a hack; see 
soya_editor). The Blender import script is still unstable, since the Blender Python 
API is not finalized, but we are planning to get a better integration latter.

> Commercial or shareware programs are not an option for me right now,
> only freeware.  I still would like to know what everyone else is doing
> even if no free products are involved.

The same for me ;-)


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