On Sun, 2003-03-23 at 19:50, Rene Dudfield wrote:
> I'm using pycal3d in a game I'm making at the moment.  I've got a few 
> characters walking around and stuff, but I'm fixing up a few problems 
> with pycal3d as I go.  Hopefully I'll have a windows version of it ready 
> soon.  I've been trying to make an easier to use api seperately on top 
> of it so as you don't need to deal with all the low level stuff if you 
> don't want to.  So far it can load the characters, and has an opengl 
> rendering part.  Next I want to make it easier to switch 
> materials/skins/textures.

Higher level would be great, and it would fit in well/better with the
Soya model.

> So by the end of a couple of weeks it should be a lot more usable than 
> it is currently.

I'll be looking forward to seeing it!

> Be nice to get shadows working with cal3d too :)

From what I was reading in the forums that's all done on the OpenGL side
of things.

> Can the various parts of soya be easily used independently?  I want to 
> use just the particle system.  Can this be done?  I'm using pyopengl and 
> pygame for most other parts.

Soya is quite modular, and it's already possible to, for instance, use
pygame's event handling and Soya's rendering. I'm not sure how easy it
is to do low-level OpenGL stuff at the same time. I'd actually rather
see glue code to make pycal3d and Soya work together without needing to
muck about with OpenGL directly. 

One thing I didn't mention is that the cloud model I was thinking about
using would require the ability to create NURBS surfaces, because the
building blocks for the clouds are ellipsoids. If that's not ready by
the time I'm ready to do clouds, I'll just implement it myself.

The reasons I want to do realistic clouds are because a) people will be
able to fly around in my game engine, and b) because the sky is an
important part of the game experience. Also I think that using a
collection of ellipsoids with a finite set of textures will use less
memory on the card than trying to use high-resolution sky planes.

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