On Sun, 08 Jun 2003 22:55:34 -0300
Leonardo Santagada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've tried the windows port of soya, and it runs very slownly on my 
> computer. What is the problem? and why it isn't updated. Maybe I could 
> help the port. I really liked soya, been it a easy 3d engine made to run 
> in python and with good set of tutorials. But we only have good 3d 
> drivers in windows and the majority of gamers use this plataform, so i 
> think the windows version is important.

Yep, i'm not sure about the importance of the windoz plateform (there are both pro and 
cons), but any help for porting Soya is welcome ! The port is not updated because we 
don't have an easy access to a windoz box (i've reached to buy my labtop without 
windoz :-)

For your speed problem, are you sure you have OpenGL 3D drivers installed (not only 
directx) ?


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