On 03/27/2012 11:35 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> On 03/27/2012 10:27 AM, Johannes Renner wrote:
>> The feature involves a new action type to be put in table rhnActionType, 
>> which
>> we chose to give the ID 500 for now (just to make sure there will be no 
>> clash in
>> the near future). Would you maybe want to provide us with an ID for this 
>> action
>> that we can safely use throughout the future or what is the preferred 
>> procedure
>> here?
> We are not going to assign ID for action which is not in our master.

Thanks for the clarification.

> If you ever decide to contribute your work to Spacewalk project, you can take 
> advantage to have it
> in upstream and no one will override that id.
> If you decide - for whatever reason - to keep it private, you will have to 
> live with the fear and
> uncertainty that one day we will use that id for something else.

As I have written in my first mail:

We would be willing to commit this feature upstream, but I am actually doubting
that you will just take the commits and push them into master.

Reasons may include:

- The whole feature is very SUSE specific (integration of a SUSE product)
- There is a new dependency on a library for talking to the API
- There is a new table for storing a user's API credentials (suseXYZ namespace)

I can prepare and send patches if you are fine with such things. I just need to
make sure that there is some interest and that these patches will not be 
after I put in the work to make them apply to Spacewalk master.

Thank you,

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GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer

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