I'm using Postgres as a database. I try to create new records or update 
existing records with data. The data is parsed from a csv file. Creating new 
records works fine. But when a record already exists, the update fails with:
* IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique 
constraint "stock_item_pkey"*

I've looked at the SA documentation and as far as I can see the 'add' does 
an insert or an update. I've also tried updata, but that fails too and als 
mentions a depreciated statement.

The new data is going to a single table. The PrimaryKey is the item number 
(item with value itemno in snippet below). Since the item is unique, I don't 
let Postgres create an id. 

*new = Item(item=itemno, ...)*
*I'm pretty new with SA and I might overlook something. How can I solve 

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