On Linux with sqlite 3.13.0  installedI have successfully invoked the (dot)
commands .system and .shell.

Below are the results.  In both instances the application at the target
location launched as expected.  (Ignore the Gtk message as it relates to
the modal dialog box employed in the the application)

sqlite> .system /home/EB30750/Documents/Provox/deltvImport

Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is
System command returns 65280

sqlite> .shell /home/EB30750/Documents/Provox/deltvImport

Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is
System command returns 65280

Issue 1:  Both of these commands wait for the external program to exist
before returning.  Typically, where there are two versions, one will return
without waiting for the child process to terminate and the other one will
wait.  I see these two functions as the same as the .system function can
invoke the shell this way .system /usr/sh echo 'hello world'  Or .system C:\
*Windows*\System32\cmd type 'hello world'  Might want to consider making
one of these return with no wait.

Issue 2.  No matter how I mix the use of .system in a trigger I cannot get
the syntax checker to allow for  (dot) functions .system or .shell to
work.  I know there is a qualifier about where the (dot) functions are
parsed but I have successfully used other (dot) functions in a trigger.
Triggering external applications on database events is a critical function.

sqlite> CREATE TRIGGER testor
   ...> BEFORE INSERT ON moz_cookies
   ...> BEGIN
   ...> DELETE FROM moz_cookies WHERE name = 'mimeMapApp';
   ...> .system /home/EB30750/Documents/Provox/deltvImport;
   ...> END;
Error: near ".": syntax error
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