
I know this is an old thread, but I just found it now when I was doing some
research on this topic. Thanks Jens for starting this thread. When Jens
said he knew a developer who could create a corrupted database by turning
off the power, I'm pretty sure he was talking about me. This has been an
ongoing problem for me for a while now. My customers keep getting corrupted
SQLite databases due to power failures or forced shutdowns.

I wrote a small sample app to demonstrate the problem just to make sure it
wasn't my own app causing the problem in some complex way.

Someone on this thread said to post a sample of a corrupted database. So
here's a link to download a file that has become corrupted:


The way it started out was an SQLite file with a table in it called docs
(along with other tables) with 408 rows in it. I imported a bunch of data
into the SQLite file so that there should be 4402 rows in the docs table,
along with data stored in other tables.

After the import and the data was committed to the database (while the app
was still launched but not doing anything), I shutdown my MacBook Pro
forcibly by holding the power key down until it shut off. When I restarted
and opened the database file using the Mac SQLiteManager app, The docs
table now contained only 2631 rows, with a lot of NULL data displayed in
the docs table. That should not be possible with the library I'm using.

If you're interested in trying out the sample application I wrote to see
the corruption for yourself, you can download it here:


You'll need a Mac and Xcode 8.x to run it. I would just have only Xcode and
the sample app running when I caused the Mac's power to be killed.

When the database is opened, it's using WAL journal_mode and also has
pragma fullfsync=1 enabled.

Any ideas of settings I could try to resolve this problem would be greatly
appreciated by me and my customers.


Brendan Duddridge
sqlite-users mailing list

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