On 4/16/17, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> I cannot seem to find the implementation for COLLATE JSON anywhere in
> your source code.  Can you give me a hint as to which source file I
> should be looking in?

I worked around the "COLLATE JSON" problem (by writing my own JSON
collation).  That allows me to analyze your database and WAL file.

It appears that the WAL file is not the correct WAL file for that
database.  It is as if someone has taken an unrelated WAL file and
renamed it to have the same base name as your database.  Or the other
way around - someone has renamed your database to have the same base
name as the WAL file.

Your demonstration application does not call SQLite directly.  Instead
it appears to use two libraries that in turn call SQLite:
libsqlcrypt.a and the CouchbaseLite.framework.  You do not provide
sources to these other libraries, so I am unable to deduce what they
are doing.

So, in the absence of further evidence, I am going to diagnose this as
a misuse of SQLite by one of the two libraries that you are linking -
probably a misuse in the form of trying to rename or unlink or
otherwise modify the database file using ordinary operating system
calls while a connection to the database is open.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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