On 17 Apr 2017, at 10:35am, Saurav Sarkar <saurav.sark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you please also let me know how this bug can be exploited in an
> application.

The problem was apparently spotted as a theoretical vulnerability and no 
demonstration code was submitted.  It was never reported to the SQLite 
development team, so the team has no record of what was wrong, what it did, or 
how to exploit it.

From what I can see, it affected only versions of Android before Android 5.1.  
It allowed an application with exploit code in, if given sufficient privilages, 
to modify certain system files.  I don’t know which files it could modify or 
what damage could be done that way.  If you can find discussion of the problem 
or demonstration code I think it would be welcome here.

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