On 4/17/17, Michael Falconer <michael.j.falco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> These may enlighten a little..........at least it appears to be related?
>  http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2015-6607/
> IBM report <http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21981270>

Huh.  That's not much of a vulnerability.

If an attacker can execute arbitrary SQL (notice that they must
already be well inside the system to do this) then they can run a
query like this:

     SELECT printf('%1000000000d', 0);

And that query does a malloc for a 1-billion-byte (plus 1) buffer in
which to write the result, which might cause problems elsewhere in the
system.  Or at least that is how I read the bug report.

We added the SQLITE_PRINTF_PRECISION_LIMIT compile-time option here
(http://sqlite.org/src/timeline?c=ecad75d69e0d5c83dd35) to deal with
that problem for the rare application that gives untrusted users the
ability to run unvetted SQL.
D. Richard Hipp
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