On Friday, 3 August, 2018 13:50, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

>I’d be careful trying to apply your knowledge directly to SQLite.
>dBase comes out of the non-SQL world, so it’s going to have a
>different outlook in many areas.

>If the following is a fair description of how FoxPro for DOS indexes
>work, then I question how well your knowledge transfers to SQLite:

>   https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/microsoft/index-command

Not really.  This is documentation on the ODBC SQL interface.  What you really 
want is to refer to "native" xBase documentation:



>    https://sqlite.org/lang_createindex.html

>The Venn diagram of these two documentation pages seems to have a
>pretty small region of overlap.

The overlap is actually 100% with only a few xBase specific differences due to 
the primitive nature of the bitty-boxen on which it was developed.

The only real differences are:
  in the definition of "UNIQUE" which in the xBase world does not mean 
"UNIQUE", the xBase equivalent is "DISTINCT"  
  xBase indexes are a single text field only of fixed length

This is so annoying that I had pre-processor macros that allowed you to define 
indexes using the SQL "CREATE INDEX" syntax and translated that into the 
expression format required by xBase in order to ensure that the primitive text 
indexes were generated coherently (which is much easier to do if you automate 
the process) and also to make the LOOKUP and SEEK functions work correctly ...

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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