On Oct 11, 2018, at 12:26 AM, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:
> On 2018-10-10 1:36 PM, Eric wrote:
>> Too much overhead, how often must I clone ...
> This makes me think that it would be useful, if it doesn't already, for 
> Fossil to have something analogous to a database replication feature.

That’s pretty much what Fossil *is*: a replicated database.  Most of it happens 
to be blockchain structured, rather than relational table structured, but much 
of the table-structured data is also synchronized between a clone and its 

Fossil forum content is just more of the same of what Fossil already stores, so 
it syncs down to a clone just the same as anything else you’ve got stored in 

The only differences between a Fossil repository clone and its parent are some 
local-only settings and security-sensitive information such as the user table.

If you clone as a sufficiently privileged user, you can even pull down the user 
table.  This is useful when replicating Fossil across multiple sites for backup 
and site fail-over purposes.  The SQLite and Fossil project repos are currently 
replicated across 3 different hosts in this way.

> A bit like a mailing list but that the sender and client are both instances 
> of Fossil.

Fossil allows you to open your local repository in a browser and insert content 
into the forum locally, then sync the content up to the remote repository.

That requires a user capability that had not been given to my user on the 
fossil-scm.org/forum instance, last I checked.  I assume that no one else but 
drh can do this at the moment on that instance.

However, I’ve done it on one of my own Fossil repositories, just now:

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