On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 7:03 PM Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On 1/10/20, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There's no way at all, to know the length of a text column with embedded 
> > NULLs?
> You can find the true length of a string in bytes from C-code using
> the sqlite3_column_bytes() interface.  But I cannot, off-hand, think
> of a way to do that from SQL.

That's what I thought. Which implies length(text_val) is O(N), while
length(blob_val) is O(1),
something I never quite realized. And this despite both storing the
length the same way at the
file-format level. That's kind of a gotcha, which might be worth documenting.

I'd vote for a lengthof(col) that's always O(1) for both text and blob
values, although I'm not
holding my breath for it, as I suspect it's unlikely to be added,
given its relative low value.

I don't disagree with Keith that text shouldn't contain embedded
NULLs, and that C-String are
by design and definition that way, I was more thinking of the C++ use
case of having an std::string
with embedded NULLs, which is perfectly OK and common enough, and
using a C++ wrapper for
SQLite (which typically uses overloading for binding for example),
which will insert a text value for that
case, using .c_str() + .length() (or .data() + .size(), doesn't
matter, ends up the same), leading to the
very issue that started this thread (just a guess).

The inability to correctly size a value in SQL (and thus a column, via
a sum() group by)
for text with embedded nulls is quite unfortunate. And the fact
length(text_col) is also O(N)
is similarly unfortunate. Thus the above idea of an O(1)
lengthof(col), as a companion to typeof(col).

Thanks, --DD
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