On Monday, 13 January, 2020 02:27, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com> 

>On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 7:03 PM Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

>> On 1/10/20, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> There's no way at all, to know the length of a text column with
>>> embedded NULLs?

>> You can find the true length of a string in bytes from C-code using
>> the sqlite3_column_bytes() interface.  But I cannot, off-hand, think
>> of a way to do that from SQL.

> That's what I thought. Which implies length(text_val) is O(N), while
> length(blob_val) is O(1), something I never quite realized. And this 
> despite both storing the length the same way at the file-format level. 
> That's kind of a gotcha, which might be worth documenting.

No, they are measured in different units.  

length(something) where something is NOT a text value returns the length in 
BYTES of that something.  For a BLOB this is the number of bytes according to 
the length data stored in the database.  For NULL, INTEGER, or REAL values, it 
is the number of BYTES in the ASCII text representation of that thing (which 
also happens to be the number of characters since each ASCII character takes 
one byte).

length(something) where something IS a text value returns the number of 
codepoints in the UTF-8 representation of that text and counting stops at the 
zero terminator (since the definition of "text" is a C string, all text values 
have an appended 0 terminator -- if there is an embedded 0 character, that 
terminates the counting).

>> I'd vote for a lengthof(col) that's always O(1) for both text and blob
>> values, although I'm not holding my breath for it, as I suspect it's 
>> unlikely to be added, given its relative low value.

So what should lengthof(something) return the number of bytes in the 'database 
encoding' or something else?

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