Thanks for your response. I do realize the performance of sqlite over the
network will be slower than accessing local databases - I will restate if I
wasn't clear - the question I asked is why sqlite accessing a networked
database is slower WHEN that particular database is attached in a different
database connection/process. Please see my original message.

The performance I'm getting when accessing a database over the network is
perfectly acceptable to me. As soon as another client is attached to the
same database, I am clearly seeing a different behaviour from sqlite, and
the performance in that case is much slower, and this is what I'm trying to

thanks, Serena.

> I posted a query on this list very recently about a similar issue, except I
> noticed a 20-fold decrease in R/W performance across the network with a
> single connection (BLOB access), compared to what you get with a binary
> file
> R/W.  Cogent explanations were given, and I conclude that SQLite (and
> perhaps all non-backend-server based solutions will suffer greatly across a
> network vs. local volume).
> I had to rejig my app so that remote SQLite files are first copied to a
> local temp file, operated on, then copied back to remote volume.  I can't
> see any other way.
> Peter.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------
> Peter K. Stys, MD
> Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences
> Hotchkiss Brain Institute
> University of Calgary
> tel (403) 210-8646
> ---------------------------------------------
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