D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> SQLite version 3.6.8 adds support for nested transactions

This is *excellent* news!

Thank you so much for implementing nested transactions in SQLite!

As far as I was concerned, and AFAIK had argued in the past, that was the 
most important piece of missing functionality.  Something whose presence can 
make reliable database development an order of magnitude easier.  Unlike some 
add-on features which could be done in wrappers, nested transactions was 
definitely something that was only appropriate to be implemented in the same 
level as normal transactions in the DBMS.  Its about code being able to declare 
and have enforced at any level of granularity that a set of operations is 
atomic, as a transaction, without worrying about what calling code is doing 
transactions, and making it easier to do error handling and retry/abort etc.

I'm now a step closer to being able to easily implement my Muldis D relational 
database language over SQLite.

I'll hopefully be able to start testing in a few weeks, assuming that 
DBD::SQLite et al / the Perl bindings are still functional under Mac OS X and 
Linuxen with the new version.

-- Darren Duncan
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