Hello all,
 I have two slightly related questions regarding sqlite database handles.

First, I'm developing a system that opens thousands of different
sqlite databases at a variety of times, some database handles more
often than others, but never the same one multiple times concurrently,
though sometimes the same database handle will get opened and closed
multiple times in a row in quick succession. My understanding is that
this isn't as performant as it could be, since it's a shame I'm not
just reusing sqlite pages in memory instead of swapping to and from
disk. My question regards the shared cache feature
(http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/enable_shared_cache.html). Is this an
optimization for the same sqlite db handle being opened concurrently,
or does this actually assist with keeping sqlite pages in memory so
they don't have to be read from disk again the second time the same
database handle is opened after the first one has been closed? If so,
how do I configure the amount of memory sqlite uses for caching said
pages, and if not, is there anything better I can do besides keeping
an LRU cache of DB handles open?

Second, in the same system, on these db handles, I am considering
allowing users of my system to provide Lua-scripts with built in SQL
queries and run them, but I don't want them to be able to modify the
database. Of course, I can run the Lua script with appropriate
bindings to my existing db handles inside a transaction, but I'd
rather have SQL queries that may potentially write to disk fail
completely, instead of wasting resources just to get rolled back. Is
there a way to temporarily mark a read/write sqlite disk handle
read-only, or perhaps is there a way to check a prepared statement
before allowing its use as to if it will attempt to write to disk?
Digging through the code it looks like I could potentially set
readOnly flags in various structs (pager, vdbe, etc), but there
doesn't seem to be a library interface to do so. I suppose if the
shared cache works as I would like, there is little performance harm
in closing the database and then reopening in read-only mode.

Thanks in advance,
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