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On 07/24/2010 04:42 AM, Tim Romano wrote:
> Quite a few users of SQLite these days are not wrapping
> the SQLite libraries in their own client app but are communicating with the
> database via a bridge as if it were a remote server engine.

Yes, but the SQLite library is still local within the process in that case.
 There is no reason why you can't talk to the library simultaneously via
ADO.net as well as via the SQLite API directly.  (If you are using pragmas
then you are already having SQLite specific code.)

> Your opposition to my request several months ago for a raw reverse
> function was colored in this way. You did not acknowledge at the time that a
> raw-reversed  (and hence possibly malformed) sequence of unicode codepoints
>  could give middleware the hiccups, and insisted that it this reversal be
> done "in the application".

SQLite doesn't have a reverse function as shipped, and so is not the one
creating invalid data.  I'll happily acknowledge that malformed Unicode is a
bad thing under all circumstances.

The license of SQLite allows you to do anything you want with it.  (The
trademark prevents you calling the result 'SQLite'.)  You can add, change,
delete etc anything.  You can redistribute the changes or keep them secret.
 You can charge for them.

What many of these requests amount to is wanting someone else to make a
change (typically the SQLite developers) and for the change to be
distributed as part of SQLite.  The bar for that is *considerably* higher
and you would need to demonstrate the value to the majority of the user base
and why the extensive existing mechanisms (extensions, the SQLite API etc)
are not sufficient.

The "opposition" is pointing out that bar, and suggesting alternate
approaches.  (Note I am not a core developer nor do I speak for them but
have been around long enough to observe what they usually do.)

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