I do not expect my request to be a priority.  I have suggested only that
such black-box amalgamations be kept in mind as a mitigating factor when the
architects are assigning a priority to a feature request. In those cases
where it is impossible for the end-user to avail himself of the
load_extension capabilities of SQLite, the core may be the only place to
implement a desired feature. The function I asked for (raw/naive
codepoint-by-codepoint  string reverse) does exist in other mainstream
databases, including Oracle and SQLServer.
I will consider it progress if we could get beyond the two stock replies:
"you should do that in your application" and "you could  do that in an

Tim Romano
Swarthmore PA

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Roger Binns <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/26/2010 12:17 PM, Tim Romano wrote:
> > But Roger, the  "layer sitting in front of SQLite"  is a programming
> > environment which provides its own (black-box) connectivity to SQLite,
> and
> > it isn't going to be calling any DLL into which one will have injected a
> > library in the manner you have laid out, and it's not going to let the
> > developer load an extension either.   That's what I've been trying to
> make
> > clear.
> You keep missing what I am saying :-)
> This is only an issue if the layer includes SQLite as an amalgamation
> statically in which case it is a black box as you described.(*)
> If that layer uses SQLite as a DLL then you load the same SQLite DLL
> first, tell it call the callback of your choice on connections being
> opened, and then when the layer uses SQLite (which will be the same DLL)
> and opens a connection, your callback is called.
> (*) If your problem is now that you have chosen to use some sort of
> access layer, and that layer has chosen to hide SQLite internally, and
> they haven't provided access to some SQLite functionality, and they
> won't if you ask them to, then expecting this to be a priority to the
> SQLite team is rather strange.
> Roger
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