On 2 Oct 2010, at 10:01pm, Dave Dyer wrote:

>> 2. If ignoring #1, prove that the network disk implementation is correct
>> before blaming SQLite.
> Not trying to blame anyone here, just to gather information and ultimately
> find a reliable solution.

No problem.  It is unfortunate that most network file systems are not properly 
tested.  And you'll find that almost all multi-peer-access database systems use 
their own protocol rather than relying on the NFS.

>> 3. Watch out for other background tag-a-longs causing weird behaviour on
>> Windows.
> I'm well aware of this.  In this case, the problem seems to be associated
> with macs as clients, with either macs or pcs as servers.

Which network system are you using to connect to the network drive ?  NFS ?  
SMB ?  AFP ?  Do you have Mac clients connected at the same time as PC clients 
?  If so, are they using the same network system ?  Are you accessing the file 
directly from the hard disk as well ?

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