SQLite.NET is being transitioned to sqlite.org ... you'll notice the new
site is http://system.data.sqlite.org  -- it's being taken over by the fine
folks at sqlite.org, specifically Shane Harrelson who has the lead on the
project.  I've been working with Dr. Hipp and Shane on the transition.

I'll still be contributing to the codebase.


-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org
[mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Simon Slavin
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 3:13 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Sqlite .NET 4.0 provider available?

On 16 Feb 2011, at 9:08am, Matthew Adams wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>
>>> When is official support for .NET 4.0 expected?
>> 'official' from the SQLite team ?  Never.  SQLite's official support is
for two sets of source code written in C.  No other forms of support are
provided, not for any specific platform or variation on C (e.g. C++,
Objective-C, C#).  A great deal of work goes into making sure that the C
source code compiles acceptably with a /lot/ of different C compilers on a
lot of different platforms so that other teams can easily build it into
their own projects, either prepare libraries from it.
> I would have expected whomever the code is being transitioned to to be
> the group that is actively developing the .NET provider.  Since I'm
> new to the SQLite ecosystem, I'm not sure who that is, and it sounds
> like you're saying that the SQLite team is not maintaining it or
> enhancing it.  If that's true, who is?

You got it.  Developers of various different libraries toolkits and apps are
each free to update to newer versions of SQLite whenever they want, or to
skip versions, or not to update at all.  If you want to find out who is
working on a .NET provider (and I'll bet there's more than one) then look up
the name of that provider, not SQLite.  Googling on

sqlite .net provider

found me some useful-looking sites, it looks like at least two different
projects.  So the answer to your original question is "There are at least
two of them.".  But I know nothing about .NET so I don't know how to take it

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