On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Enrico Thierbach <e...@open-lab.org> wrote:

> I don't think sqlite (or any SQL database, for that matter) is a perfect
> fit for a logger, because there is a certain amount of write overhead.
> Why do you think you would want to do this?

ALL db insertions in a db are, in effect, some form of logging. In embedded
apps with no stdout/stderr (e.g. WinCE) using sqlite as a logging
destination can be quite useful (and easy to set up).

@Lynton: i've got some C++ code implementing such a logger here:

that might be useful as a basis (e.g. it includes a printf-like log()
routine and a trim() function to remove all but the last N entries).

----- stephan beal
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