Tom, thank you so much for the extensive advice.


On 04/06/2011 15:27, BareFeetWare wrote:
> On 03/06/2011, at 11:40 PM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
>> Hey guys, thank you very much for the help so far.
>> The list of calls which I make during the "end match section", which can
>> take 2 seconds, is:
>> SELECT * FROM multiturnTable WHERE id=? LIMIT 1
>> UPDATE multiturnTable SET p1SubmitScore=1 WHERE id=?
>> UPDATE multiturnTable SET complete=1, score=? WHERE id=?
>> SELECT * FROM userTable WHERE name='?'  twice
>> UPDATE userTable SET totalScore=?, totalRecord='?', dailyScore=?,
>> dailyRecord='?', dailyGameRecord='?', dailyGamesPlayed='?',
>> scoreStreak='?', scoreStreakNumber=? WHERE name='?';   twice
> If properly constructed, I would expect this to be almost instant.
> I suggest:
> 1. Use integer columns instead of text for id primary key
> 2. Use foreign keys (ie "references")
> 3. Atomize your columns, ie only one piece of data per column (eg don't store 
> record as number tab number in one column).
> 4. For any column that is multiple choice (eg status), don't store as text, 
> store as an integer that references another table.
> 5. In general, properly normalise your tables, which includes the above. It's 
> hard to be more precise without knowing your data better.
> 5. Use triggers to update the related user table when a match changes (eg 
> ends).
> 6. Do all of an event in one transaction.
> 7. Do it all (or as much as possible) of an event in SQL, rather than passing 
> values back from SQL into application then back to SQL.
> At the basic level, do the foloowing:
> Change multiturnTable to this (I've only really changed the first three 
> columns):
> create table multiturnTable
> (     id integer primary key not null
> ,     player1 integer not null references userTable(id)
> ,     player2 integer not null references userTable(id)
> ,     date text
> ,     rating real
> ,     info text
> ,     complete integer
> ,     currentTurn integer
> ,     p1Submitted integer
> ,     p2Submitted integer
> ,     score real
> ,     gamemode text
> ,     turnLimit integer
> ,     turnTimeLimit integer
> ,     p1SubmitScore integer
> ,     p2SubmitScore integer
> ,     quickMatchId integer
> ,     nComments integer default 0
> ,     p1TurnSubTime real
> ,     p2TurnSubTime float
> ,     nRatings integer
> ,     p1GivenUp integer
> ,     p2GivenUp integer
> ,     dupId integer default -1
> ,     p1Declined integer default 0
> ,     p2Declined integer default 0
> ,     lastP1CommitTime text default '-1'
> ,     lastP2CommitTime text default '-1'
> )
> ;
> Change userTable to this:
> create table userTable
> (     id integer primary key not null
> ,     name text not null unique collate nocase
> ,     email text collate nocase
> ,     key text
> ,     status text
> ,     date text
> ,     playedFor integer
> ,     totalScore real default 0
> ,     totalRecordHigh integer default 0
> ,     totalRecordLow integer default 0
> ,     dailyScore real default 0
> ,     dailyRecordHigh integer default 0
> ,     dailyRecordLow integer default 0
> ,     dailyGameRecordHigh integer default 0
> ,     dailyGameRecordLow integer default 0
> ,     dailyGamesPlayed integer default 0
> ,     scoreStreak text default ''
> ,     scoreStreakNumber integer default 0
> ,     noEmail integer default 0
> ,     playedInfIds text default ''
> )
> ;
> -- These calculations are guesses. You will need to correct them:
> create trigger multiturnEndMatch
> after update of complete
> on multiturnTable
> when new.complete = 1 and old.complete != 1
> begin
>       update userTable
>       set     totalScore = totalScore + new.p1SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyScore = dailyScore + new.p1SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyGamesPlayed = dailyGamesPlayed + 1
>       ,       scoreStreak = scoreStreak + new.p1SubmitScore
>       ,       scoreStreakNumber = scoreStreakNumber + 1
>       where id = old.player1
>       ;
>       update userTable
>       set     totalScore = totalScore + new.p2SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyScore = dailyScore + new.p2SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyGamesPlayed = dailyGamesPlayed + 1
>       ,       scoreStreak = scoreStreak + new.p2SubmitScore
>       ,       scoreStreakNumber = scoreStreakNumber + 1
>       where id = old.player2
>       ;
> -- if player1 won:
>       update userTable
>       set     totalRecordHigh = new.p1SubmitScore
>       ,       totalRecordLow = totalRecordLow + new.p2SubmitScore
>       where   new.p1SubmitScore>  new.p2SubmitScore and totalRecordHigh<  
> new.p1SubmitScore
>       ;
>       update userTable
>       set     dailyRecordHigh = new.p1SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyRecordLow = new.p2SubmitScore
>       where   new.p1SubmitScore>  new.p2SubmitScore and dailyRecordHigh<  
> new.p1SubmitScore
>       ;
>       update userTable
>               dailyGameRecordHigh = new.p1SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyGameRecordLow = new.p2SubmitScore
>       where   new.p1SubmitScore>  new.p2SubmitScore and dailyGameRecordHigh<  
> new.p1SubmitScore
>       ;
> -- if player2 won:
>       update userTable
>       set     totalRecordHigh = new.p2SubmitScore
>       ,       totalRecordLow = totalRecordLow + new.p1SubmitScore
>       where   new.p2SubmitScore>  new.p1SubmitScore and totalRecordHigh<  
> new.p2SubmitScore
>       ;
>       update userTable
>       set     dailyRecordHigh = new.p2SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyRecordLow = new.p1SubmitScore
>       where   new.p2SubmitScore>  new.p1SubmitScore and dailyRecordHigh<  
> new.p2SubmitScore
>       ;
>       update userTable
>               dailyGameRecordHigh = new.p2SubmitScore
>       ,       dailyGameRecordLow = new.p1SubmitScore
>       where   new.p2SubmitScore>  new.p1SubmitScore and dailyGameRecordHigh<  
> new.p2SubmitScore
>       ;
> end
> ;
> Then your end match SQL becomes simply one SQL statement:
> update multiturnTable set complete = 1 where id = ?
> That will fire the trigger to update the user data, which all occurs in one 
> transaction.
> Another option worth considering is to not store and update the individual 
> user game history data in the userTable at all. You could simply cross 
> reference and perform calculations on the multiturn table when needed. This 
> saves you from having to keep tables in sync and updated, and eliminates 
> redundant data. The speed is potentially slower, but you probably won't 
> notice with indexes on player1 and player2.
> So, for instance, when wanting the stats for a particular user, you could do 
> this:
> select
> ,
> ,     sum(player1.p1SubmitScore) + sum(player2.p2SubmitScore) as totalScore
> ,     max(max(player1.p1SubmitScore), max(player2.p2SubmitScore)) as 
> totalRecordHigh
> from userTable
>       left join multiturnTable as player1 on = 
> multiturnTable.player1
>       left join multiturnTable as player2 on = 
> multiturnTable.player2
> where = ? and multiturnTable.complete = 1
> ;
> I hope this helps.
> Tom
> BareFeetWare
>   --
> Comparison of SQLite GUI tools:
> --
> iPhone/iPad/iPod and Mac software development, specialising in databases

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