On Jun 3, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:

> MySQL should be avoided like the plague.


This is a long standing (un)conventional wisdom to which I too have hewed. Now, 
it so happens, I will be starting work on a project that uses MySQL 
exclusively, and has done so for years. They have been very happy with it. And, 
even though I feel like telling them that they should move to Pg, I don't 
really know what the reasons are. I am not sure if all the reasons that might 
be, are still valid.

Of course, I don't want this to become a long, religious threat that might be 
inappropriate for this list, or bore most of the other readers to tears. But, 
it merits asking, why should MySQL be avoided like the plague? It is a strong 
statement that requires backing evidence, else it would be construed FUD.

>  Use Postgres instead if you have to 
> switch to a larger SQL DBMS.  But hopefully the help you've gotten so far 
> will 
> extend your mileage with SQLite and you won't have to switch to anything yet. 
> -- 
> Darren Duncan
> Ian Hardingham wrote:
>> Guys, the server for this game -
>> http://www.frozensynapse.com
>> uses SQLite.  We've had an unexpectedly successful launch which has 
>> resulted in the server being swamped with players, and I'm trying to 
>> optimise everywhere I can.   I've always been under the impression that 
>> SQLite is pefectly fast and it's the scripting language I wrote the 
>> server in which is too blame.  (Yes, I know writing a back-end in a 
>> single-threaded scripting language is an absolutely terrible idea).  
>> However, everyone in the industry I talk to says that SQLite must be one 
>> of the problems.
>> I may be looking at a complete re-write.  I may also need to have a 
>> solution which scales beyond one machine.  Can anyone give me advice on 
>> this matter specifically?
>> (The video on that website at 2.04 gives a good idea of what kind of 
>> functions are being powered by the database).
>> Thanks,
>> Ian
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