On 6/17/2011 4:50 PM, john darnell wrote:
> I am essentially a Windows programmer

Is that also your excuse for top-posting? :)

> I will have to take your
> word on the use of HFS-style paths vs posix/Unix style paths on Mac
> platforms.

That would be wise, because Simon is correct.

> I will have to say, however, that at least the InDesign SDK, which is
> my chief habitat when it comes to writing Mac code, encourages the
> use of colon-laden paths--or at least does not greatly discourage it,

That's because all Adobe software created before about 2006[*] was built 
on top of the Carbon SDK, which interprets colon-delimited paths for 
backwards compatibility with Classic Mac OS.  OS X's native 
POSIX/Mach/Cocoa APIs understand only slash-based paths.

SQLite is built on top of the POSIX layer of OS X, so it only 
understands POSIX paths.

As more Mac programs move to 64-bit, they must move from Carbon to 
Cocoa, and thus will require POSIX paths, unless they've built in their 
own portability layer.  I can see Adobe doing that, to preserve legacy 

[*] Lightroom was the first Cocoa-based Adobe app.  Its first public 
beta came out in 2006.
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