Hello John,

> As for "top-posting," In the corporate culture I come from, it is
> considered the only way to do things (or at least one faction who
> has the ear of the ops boss, believes this).

Yes, I noticed that too.  I can think of two reasons for doing things
in this terribly inefficient way:

a) people got started mailing with Outlook, which for several years
   didn't support threading and therefore no easy reference to earlier
   material was available (mind you, pretty much any other mailtool
   did threading years before MS actually came up with Outlook, so I
   wonder what their excuse is).  In fact, the MS Exchange server even
   implements a specific protocol extension to support to-posting
   (only the new text needs to be send to the server, which copies the
   old text straight from the referenced mail).
b) people think that their time (spend editing) is much more important
   that the readers time.

But in truth it's probably just plain ignorance that started it.  Or
maybe in your company conversations really go like this:

Well, it's just easier that way.
> So what do you like about B?
> > Well, personally I would prefer B...
> > > Do you think A is a good idea?

but personally I believe it's easier to read:

> > > Do you think A is a good idea?
> > Well, personally I would prefer B...
> So what do you like about B?
Well, it's just easier that way.

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