On 27 Sep 2011, at 12:03pm, Patrick Proniewski wrote:

> You're assuming I'm running Linux, but I'm running Mac OS X Server (or 
> FreeBSD by the way), so no /proc here, and iostat is probably working 
> differently too.
> <http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/darwin/reference/manpages/10.5/man8/iostat.8.html>

If you're using the OS X version, I don't think you need to run iostat as a 
continuous process.  Write a shell script with a timed loop which runs iostat 
without the '-w 10'.  So you could write a script which does

while true
    iostat -d disk0 | ...
    sleep 10

You should be able to feed just the result of the single iostat output to 
sqlite3 somehow.

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