On 09/27/11 07:48, Patrick Proniewski wrote:
I though I could easily pipe data into SQLite:

iostat -d -w 10 disk0 |\
awk '!/[a-zA-Z]/ {print "INSERT INTO io 
VALUES(datetime(\"now\",\"localtime\"),"$1","$2","$3");"}' |\
sqlite3 iostat.db

but it won't work, because sqlite3 won't record any data until the iostat 
command ends. And of course, this iostat command will never end.
So I'm stuck with a working but very ugly script:

while true; do
  iostat -c 2 -d -w 10 disk0 |\
  tail -1 |\
  awk '!/[a-zA-Z]/ {print "INSERT INTO io 
VALUES(datetime(\"now\",\"localtime\"),"$1","$2","$3");"}' |\
  sqlite3 iostat.db

endless loop, forking iostat for 2 rows of data (-c 2), keeping only the last 
row because the first one is an artifact (tail -1).
I've tried various solutions with named pipes, file descriptors redirections… 
but none worked, because they all seem to require the data steam to end before 
feeding data into the DB.

Any idea?

I do not know if tee makes any difference or if it's available on Mac?

iostat -d -w 10 disk0 | tee -a logfile
and then
tail -f logfile | awk '!/[a-zA-Z]/ {print "INSERT INTO io VALUES(datetime(\"now\",\"localtime\"),"$1","$2","$3");"}' |\
sqlite3 iostat.db

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