On 11 May 2012, at 3:36pm, Scott Ferrett <sc...@ferrettconsulting.com> wrote:

> If this is not possible, I can restrict this bit of code to only work on 
> UPDATE statements.  But that still leaves me with the problem of needing the 
> rowid of the row being updated.

The only supplied function is the one which returns the rowid from the most 
recent INSERT.  There are no equivalents for UPDATE or SELECT.  Short of 
parsing the SQL statements I don't know of a way to figure it out.

I do have one application which edits SELECT statements as follows: after the 
'SELECT ' at the beginning, insert 'rowid,'.  When it gets the results it 
strips the first column off of the results from the SELECT before returning the 
other columns to the calling function.  This works perfectly in the context of 
that app, which never uses JOIN, knows that every table has a "rowid" column, 
and knows that the calling function will never care about values in the "rowid" 

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