On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Tom Matrix <ratomat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I’ve encountered a problem, which is hardly reproducable on arbitrary
> databases, therefore I attached one.

A simple, reproducible test case for (what we think is) your problem can be
seen in this ticket:


This bug has been latent in SQLite for almost four years and you are the
first to hit it.  Probably this is because not many applications contain
A=B in the WHERE clause where A is a text expression and B is an integer
expression.  You can probably work around the problem by changing your
schema so that entries.measurementid is an integer rather than text.  This
does not excuse SQLite:  It is still getting the wrong answer and needs to
be fixed.  We are working on a fix now.  But a simple change to your schema
will work around the problem and get you going even before that fix is
D. Richard Hipp
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