On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 1:23 PM, Dan Kennedy <danielk1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right. But a VFS is not obliged to support the new xFetch() and
> xUnfetch() methods (used to read data from a memory mapped file).
> And if it doesn't, SQLite will use xRead() exclusively.
> It always uses xWrite() to write - whether mmap is enabled or not.
Great, what is the correct way of not providing fetch procedures? Maybe I
did something wrong?
- If I call original xFetch/xUnfetch from mine - no xRead called,
- if I provide Nil as the function address, then I get Access violation
(00000000) so probably sqlite tries to call it anyway.
- If return SQLITE_Error from xFetch, xUnfetch, I get sqlite logic error.

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