On 21 Jul 2013, at 4:41pm, E.Pasma <pasm...@concepts.nl> wrote:

> Is a change in SQLite imaginable such that column expressions are not 
> re-evaluated with each reference to the column alias?
> This could also improve queries that use aliases only in the order by clause, 
> like
>   select id, (subquery) as c from categories order by c;

One of the problems with this is that it's not standard SQL.  You're not meant 
to be able to refer to column aliases inside the SELECT that defines them.  For 

SELECT yearJoined AS y, ageWhenJoined AS a, (y-a) AS yob FROM members

is not allowed in the SQL standard.  This is partly because the order of 
evaluation of terms in a SELECT is not defined: SQL permits those three values 
to be evaluated in any order.  Now taking a look at your query

select id, (subquery) as c from categories order by c

SQL can choose to evaluate the ORDER BY clause first, and only then to evaluate 
the expressions "id" and "c".  But that leaves it ordering by a "c" value which 
it hasn't evaluated yet.

Your suggestion introduces a new requirement on how SQL works that it must 
figure out the "AS" expressions first.  Which might do nicely for your example 
but it would cause delays in other commands.

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