On 11.09.2013 16:07, Ryan Johnson wrote:

Perhaps you meant "demote" rather than "degrade" ? That would be a
better fit (an external action that does not necessarily make the
object worse or less useful), and less vague, but it still carries a
negative connotation.

"demote" sounds fine to me, especially since its antonym "promote" may
be used for a function name to raise an expression's rank for the query
planner rather than the 2nd argument.

The negative connotation of both "degrade" and "demote" does not feel
bad for me as a non native English speaker. Both, however, express an
action rather than a quality which is more telling to me than "unlikely"
or the other adjectives suggested so far.

Maybe the function name could be prefixed by "qp_" (for query planner)
or similar to clarify their functionality even more: "qp_demote" and

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