
For some reason I was not getting any mails from the groups. At last Mike
Owens was a able to resolve the issue. I did used to get the digest mails
which contained the conversation with respect to this thread. Just to
rephrase from what ever I understood till now

As per Igor
BEGIN IMMEDIATE should get a write lock on the table 1 when first select
call is initiated

10:00.234 Thread 1 BEGIN
10:00.235 Thread 1 select * from <table1>
10:00.234 Thread 1 select * from <table x>
10:00.456 Thread 1 delete from <table1>
10:00.500 Thread 1 COMMIT


1. If there is no second thread , then the above transaction works fine.
Here also I am doing the select operation first . So the same thread can
update a read lock to write lock ?

2. Will BEGIN IMMEDIATE  get a write lock on the table for the first select
statement as per the  thread sequence above.?

Srikanth Bemineni
sqlite-users mailing list

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