On Saturday, 6 September, 2014, at 20:23, Richard Warburton 
<rich...@skagerraksoftware.com> inquired:


>Should transactions be used for ensuring consistency between multiple
>queries? And if so, after I've finished is there a reason why I should
>not call commit?


>I'm using SQLite for a web service.  The database reference is passed to
>Page objects, which handle their specific url path.  Not all pages will
>write data, but nearly all do multiple queries, which should be consistent
>with eachother.  I was thinking that to simplify each page object's code,
>I would pass a transaction reference instead, and then call rollback if 
>the page object returns an error, commit otherwise.

>However, given that the page will read many times more often than it
>writes, I'm wondering if this is a bad idea.


You say "the database connection".  Did you use the language imprecisely or are 
you using only one database connection?  One presumes that you may have 
half-a-million pages and half-a-billion concurrent HTTP operations, in which 
case you will have significant multi-leaving of operations.  Or is your server 
single threaded and can only answer one HTTP operation at a time?

The answer to this question is significant because transactions affect database 
connections only -- you may have millions of cursors running millions of 
queries in millions of threads all on the same connection, but the transaction 
context belongs to the connection, not the cursor/statement.  Isolation is at 
the connection level, not the statement.  If you do not have one connection per 
HTTP operation (or a pool of connections where each connection is only used for 
one HTTP operation at a time) then wrapping transactions around HTTP operations 
will not have the result you intend.

Furthermore, making each HTTP operation use a separate transaction on separate 
connections may have a significant effect on concurrency, unless you are using 

But yes, if you need database consistency within the processing of each HTTP 
operation, then you need a connection pool and assign a separate connection per 
HTTP operation with transactions around it (ie, start a transaction when you 
get a connection from the pool and commit it when you return it, if it is not 
already rolled back).  You will probably also want to use WAL to increase 

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