Thanks to those who responded to my query.

Simon: It will be easier to code if every page commits, regardless of
whether any write operations occurred (and rollback only error) - so your
answer pleased me greatly.

Keith: Yes, you're right.  I'm not passing a single database connection
around, I'm using a pool.  I've been thinking about using WAL, but I had
reservations as it is not enabled by default.  I'll have another look at it.

Darren: I hadn't been considering transaction time.  Now it occurs to me
that writing data back to the user could indeed take time before the page
code returns.  Rather than add complexity to the page objects, I'm thinking
about buffering their writes, so the transaction can be closed before any
data goes over a network.  This has other implications, so I'll think about
this further, but I'd rather keep such considerations in one place rather
than in each page object.

Just to be clear, each page is stateless and many pages could be called at
the same time.  The question revolves around wrapping each page request in
its own transaction - so each of the many page objects need not worry about
such things and can focus on extracting and updating data.

Your tangent conflicts with Simon, so I'm not sure who's right - I see both
points - I'll have to think about this more.  My database library does not
support read-only transactions, which does simplify things (for better or
worse).  I could (if deemed beneficial) automate a rollback if no exec were
called, instead of commit.

Thanks again.
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