Would dropping the non-functioning default clause from the schema be a
"breaking change"?

That is from:
# sqlite3 dummy.db
sqlite> CREATE TABLE x(
   ...>         id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (random()),
   ...>         val VARCHAR
   ...>     );
sqlite> .schema
        *id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (random()),*
        val VARCHAR
# sqlite3 dummy.db
sqlite> CREATE TABLE x(
   ...>         id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (random()),
   ...>         val VARCHAR
   ...>     );
sqlite> .schema
        val VARCHAR

And would it be better, or cause more head-scratching, I dunno...


On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Mark Lawrence <no...@null.net> wrote:
> >
> > If you are going to keep this behaviour would it not make more sense to
> > ensure that the table creation fails? The DEFAULT clause is pretty
> > straight-forward and I don't find it intuitive to go looking for
> > PRIMARY KEY documentation when it is ignored.
> >
> > SQLite should either fail to accept the statement or do what the table
> > definition says - anything else means heartache for those debugging
> > problems (which I did for hours on this issue) and those reading the
> > code afterwards.
> >
> That would break backwards compatibility for the millions and millions of
> applications currently using SQLite.  Most of those millions would be
> unaffected, no doubt, but out of millions I'm sure there are a goodly
> number that would break.  I am unwilling to implement a breaking change
> simply to make the interface more "intuitive".
> Had you brought this up in 2002, the outcome would likely have been very
> different.  But at this point, the behavior of INTEGER PRIMARY KEY in
> SQLite is not something that can be modified.
> Sorry to disappoint.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org
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