Hi Mark

I echo the suggestion that you make sure your HDD is working properly by
doing a disk scan of some sort.  It's dangerous to start trying other
solutions if the drive is about to fail!  While you're at it, it's probably
a good idea to make sure your backups are up to date -- and by backup I
mean not only the .lrcat file that store Lightroom's metadata but also the
original camera files (JPGs or raw files).

It's also possible that some other process is doing some work on your
system.  Do you have Windows Defender or virus software installed?  You can
use Task Manager (right click the task bar and choose "Task Manager") to
see what processes are using a lot of CPU.  If it isn't Lightroom then some
other app is stealing CPU cycles -- try shutting that other app down?  (But
be careful you don't shut down a system process, that can lead to things
not working!)

Adobe has also written several pages about how to optimize Lightroom:


I'm not sure I agree with the order there -- I'd start with this "Optimize
the Catalog" step:


These pages might duplicate what is on that one, but they're possibly also



And don't forget that Adobe Lightroom has a fantastic user base that helps
each other out -- you can ask your question there and I bet someone will
help you some more:


or if you figure out what is going on you can talk directly to Adobe here:


 - Andy

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Mark Romero <marklovesd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Everyone:
> Was there a recent Windows 7 64-bit update that affected SQLite?
> A few months ago one of the programs that I use (Lightroom) started to have
> long periods where it would stop responding. It wouldn't crash, but it
> would just keep my CPU pegged at 100% and the program would stop
> responding. This would happen at random times.
> It never acted like this before, and I think it started acting funny just
> right after a win 7 64-bit automatic update.
> The SLQlite "server" is built into Lightroom, so I have no access to the
> code.
> One thing that is strange is that Adobe has another program (Adobe Camera
> Raw) which is nearly identical to lightroom except that Lightroom uses
> SQLite to store data while Adobe Camera Raw writes information into a
> separate file (an XMP Side Cart file). ACR runs fine, while Lightroom has
> problems.
> So if you know of a recent windows 7 update that may affect SQLite, please
> let me know. maybe there are drivers I can download somewhere to fix the
> problem.
> Thanks in advance.
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