On 22 Apr 2015, at 3:46pm, Jim Callahan <jim.callahan.orlando at gmail.com> 

> Can you turn off logging and overwrite the database with unencrypted zeros
> or nulls;
> just before deleting it?

The operating system overwrites disks and memory with random bits both just 
after it is released and just before it is allocated again.  It also allocates 
new memory and disk space randomly, rather than just handing you the next 20 
blocks/sectors.  It is a /very/ paranoid operating system.  And the numerous 
precautions it takes make it very slow and a little annoying to use.

> Encrypting the overwrite character(s) would give the encryption attacker a
> cleartext -- a bad move right out of the "Imitation Game".

This is the sort of reason I'm reluctant to freak the underlying platform.  The 
people who designed/wrote it are good at their jobs and I have to worry about 
only programmer-level things.  If the platform itself (OS/hardware) leaks 
information that's not my concern.


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