On 22 Apr 2015, at 4:46pm, Michael Stephenson <domehead100 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Simon, if the data in the database is sensitive, could you encrypt the 
> database (ala something like https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/)?  

Unfortunately, this doesn't help.  I'm not concerned with the database file 
itself.  I know exactly what that's called, and I can check it has been 
correctly deleted.  I'm concerned with the data in several external files that 
SQLite creates and deletes as it does its work.  Some of those would contain 
unencrypted data.  And some of them have unpredictable names, or, at least 
since the filenames are not documented they may change in future versions of 

You have made me realise, however, that a nice attack against encrypted SQLite 
databases might be to crash a SQLite application while it's processing and 
examine any journal files, shared memory file and temporary index files.  It 
might be interesting to review the various encryption systems widely available 
for SQLite and figure out which of them would be vulnerable to such an attack.

By the way, if you want good (paid, not free) SQLite encryption you want to 
check out



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