On 3 May 2015, at 7:18pm, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

> There are multiple competing implementation of libc

Is there a C library for understanding the FAT filesytem ?  Countless devices 
(phone/tablet/GPS/TV/game console) have slots for PCI express/mini/micro cards 
and need them formatted in FAT.  Is there one library everyone uses ?

By the way, SQLite is used in Sony Bravia TVs and Humax PVRs.  Sony has sold 
about 15 million Bravias a year for the last ten years.  I think SQLite has 
been in all Humax PVRs since they started, but I don't know about Sony Bravias. 
 Come to think of it I doubt there's a Set Top Box or Smart TV made anywhere 
now that doesn't have SQLite in it.  That alone is a lot of devices.


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