On 5/9/2015 6:40 AM, Eduardo Morras wrote:
> On Sat, 09 May 2015 06:09:41 -0400
> William Drago <wdrago at suffolk.lib.ny.us> wrote:
>> All,
>> Say you encounter a blob in a database. There's no way to
>> tell if that blob carries bytes, floats, doubles, etc, correct?
>> Assuming the above is true, then is it always prudent to
>> store some metadata along with your blobs so that they can
>> be identified in the future?
>> Example table:
>> ModelNo TEXT (e.g. SO-239)
>> SerialNo TEXT (e.g. 101)
>> VSWR BLOB (e.g. x'feab12c...')
>> VSWR_Type TEXT (e.g. double)
>> Does this make sense?
> You can use SQL comments on CREATE TABLE, those comments aren't deleted from 
> SQLITE_MASTER table, you can query it as a normal table.
> CREATE TABLE blob_table (
>   ModelNo TEXT,  -- e.g. S0-239
>   SerialNo TEXT, -- e.g. 101
>   VSWR BLOB      -- double, e.g. x'feab12c....'
> );
> SELECT sql from sqlite_master where type='table' AND tbl_name='blob_table';
> will return
> CREATE TABLE blob_table (
>   ModelNo TEXT,  -- e.g. S0-239
>   SerialNo TEXT, -- e.g. 101
>   VSWR BLOB      -- double, e.g. x'feab12c....'
> )

This is a clever idea and saves the addition of a column 
just for blob type. Is this a reliable feature of SQLite? 
Does anyone see any issues with this as opposed to using a 
dedicated column?


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