On 9 May 2015, at 8:12pm, Drago, William @ CSG - NARDA-MITEQ <William.Drago at 
L-3com.com> wrote:

> Best idea yet! Anyone see any issues with this?

It's actually a comment, and SQLite provides ways of putting proper comments in 
table definitions:

CREATE TABLE blob_table (
 ModelNo TEXT, -- new-style models as used from 2006 onwards
 SerialNo TEXT,
 VSWR BLOB -- array of ten double-length floats

These comments can be found if you look at the table definition in 

I've also seen SQL databases where the designer created an otherwise unused 
table to hold comments on every column, something like this:

CREATE TABLE _structure (
        tableName TEXT,
        columnName TEXT,
        introduced TEXT,
        variableType TEXT,
        theComments TEXT

'introduced' was the edit of their program which first used the column 
(equivalent to 'checkin' as used by the SQLite development team).  
'variableType' was not the SQL type but the type of variable in the programming 
language they were using the database with.  This helped because the language 
had numerous variable types and subtle bugs could be introduced if you, for 
example, stored a value from an unsigned integer then did maths on the value in 
a long integer.


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