This is how R works too.  That is the RSQLite package that gives
access to SQLite includes SQLite itself right in the package itself so
one need not separately install SQLite.

Also RSQlite uses the R DBI package which defines connections as
classes which are subclassed by the various database packages
(RSQLite, RMySQL, RPostgreSQL, etc.). Thus, in the case of RSQLite it
defines a connection subclass whose methods allow one to access

R also has the higher level sqldf package that lets one access R
data.frames (R data frames are like memory resident database tables)
as if they were tables in a relational database.  When sqldf is run it
creates an SQLite database (or other backend that might be used but
the default is SQLite), uploads any data frames referenced in the SQL
statement, performs the SQL statements and downloads the result
destroying the database.  SQLite is sufficiently fast that this is
often faster than performing the same operation in native R despite
having to upload the inputs and download the output.

For example, the following installs sqldf and its dependencies
(RSQLite, DBI) on the first line, loads them all into the current
session's workspace in the second line and then lists the first 4 rows
of the iris data frame (iris comes with R) using SQLite as the backend
and then defines a data.frame DF and performs another SQL statement:


sqldf("select * from iris limit 4")

DF <- data.frame(a = 1:26, b = LETTERS)
sqldf("select * from DF where a > 10 limit 3")

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 2:51 AM, Darren Duncan <darren at> 
> Stephen,
> What you are arguing for (no shared libraries) is bad old days where one had
> to recompile their programming language to add support for a DBMS, rather
> than the DBMS support being a separately installable library that one could
> choose to install or not or upgrade semi-independently or not, or choose to
> use an alternative or not.
> Sure, SQLite is public domain, but why should every language bundle it into
> their core just because?  There are lots of other useful libraries one could
> make the same argument for.  Bundling it can make sense if the language core
> itself depends on SQLite or practically all of its users would use it, but
> that's not usually the case.
> I should also point out that the standard Perl interface for SQLite, the
> DBD::SQLite module, bundles the SQLite source with it, so installing that
> Perl library gives you SQLite itself, there are no DLLs or dependence on
> some system SQLite library, but Perl itself doesn't have this built-in nor
> should it.
> In the Perl 4 days you had to recompile Perl to make a version that can talk
> to a DBMS, eg "Oraperl", but thankfully with Perl 5 (1994 or so) we did away
> with that.
> -- Darren Duncan
> On 2016-01-07 5:47 PM, Stephen Chrzanowski wrote:
>> I personally wish the reverse.  I wish that these interpreted language
>> engines would incorporate the SQLite code directly into their own
>> existence
>> to avoid having to write wrappers to begin with, except for those wrappers
>> where their method name is "DatabaseOpen" and I prefer "OpenDatabase".
>> SQLite has been around for years, and "R", PHP, Java, Perl, and all these
>> other interpreted new and old style languages have never bothered to
>> incorporate this public domain database engine within itself.  It isn't
>> like the maintainers of these languages don't know it doesn't exist, and
>> if
>> they didn't, then my god they gotta get out from under that rock.  Most
>> web
>> browsers use SQLite for crying out loud.
>> For a few years, I've considered taking the entire amalgamation and
>> porting
>> it to Pascal (Delphi/FPC) so I have exactly zero reliance on DLLs.  No
>> worries about OBJ files, no worries about dependencies, I just include a
>> unit and my app is now database aware.  I know 386 assembly, and I can
>> always read up on other specifications if I needed to.  My problem is that
>> gaming gets in the way.
>> My 2016 wish list for SQLite is that all developers who write for, or use
>> directly or indirectly, any database engine out on the market has a safe
>> and happy 2016 and beyond.
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