On 2016/01/08 9:51 AM, Darren Duncan wrote:
> Stephen,
> What you are arguing for (no shared libraries) is bad old days where 
> one had to recompile their programming language to add support for a 
> DBMS, rather than the DBMS support being a separately installable 
> library that one could choose to install or not or upgrade 
> semi-independently or not, or choose to use an alternative or not.

I can't agree more - and to add, while I can sympathize with the point, 
I absolutely love SQLite, but the amount of projects I have made without 
SQLite far outweighs those containing it (on all platforms). I would 
like it to remain optional everywhere.

Speaking of Delphi specifically (as the OP mentions, and which I do 
use), I have simply a unit that links the DLL, and another that 
maintains an object that does all data handling. It's the simplest 
solution - Sure I need to add the "sqlite3.dll" file to my installers 
and updaters, but I get a free upgrade by just dropping in the new DLL 
when it arrives - no need to recompile or re-setup or anything. 
(Likewise for iOS / Mac OSX, but Linux projects [freepascal / Lazarus] 
are more tricky in this regard - probably only due to my limited 
knowledge, I'm sure someone somewhere made stuff for it).

I'm quite willing to share any of the delphi libraries and objects if 
anyone is interested (best mail me off-list) - they can be seen in 
action if need be by simply peeking at sqlitespeed from


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