On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Howard Chu <hyc at symas.com> wrote:

> Scott Robison wrote:
>> Sorry for the OT diversion, but I'm just curious as I don't have
>> historical
>> POSIX standards for reference. Does POSIX really *require* an MMU?
>> Certainly Unix like systems were written for 8086 class computers, but
>> given that POSIX was first standardized in 1988 I'm just curious as to
>> whether or not an MMU is a requirement or just really nice to have.
> ST-Minix ran on MC68000 - no MMU. POSIX API only defines a programming
> model, it doesn't mandate how it gets implemented under the covers.
> An MMU *can* make some things easier, but we had fork/exec etc. even
> without it.

That's what I thought, but haven't spent enough time with it (from a
standards document perspective) to have certain knowledge.


Scott Robison

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