On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 11:11 AM, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
> On 2016/08/10 7:39 AM, Rousselot, Richard A wrote:
>> I like learning as much as the next guy but I prefer to spend my time on
>> skills I can use in the future; compiling a 64-bit binary is not a useful
>> skill.//...
> You spend several posts and a multitude of lines explaining how useful a
> 64-bit SQLite.exe would be for you - and then claim knowing how to make one
> isn't a useful skill - LoL - There's documentation, it will take you less
> than 30 minutes to set up a maker script (assuming you are completely green
> on the subject, else probably 5 minutes).

Now that's both condescending and false IMHO...

I think people on this list who don't care or need it, and those not in a
position to do it or not (which leaves only DRH basically), so stop this
bashing of a simple and legitimate (again IMHO) request.

Lets move on. --DD
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