Please reply if you sent this. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users [] On
Behalf Of Laura BERGOENS
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 11:15 AM
To: SQLite mailing list <>
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Query time execution difference between my application
and SQLiteBrowser

Ok I didn't know abount ANALYZE existence, sorry for that.

I just run ANALYZE then the query again in sqlite3.exe and this time it took
like half a second. Should I close and re open the DB, cause maybe this
result was influenced with some cache system or something?

Plus, I ran PRAGMA compile_options for the 3 platforms I mentionned before
and I tried to regroup the results in a libreOffice calc document, I don't
know if that can help or if it's relevant

2016-09-07 17:04 GMT+02:00 Simon Slavin <>:

> On 7 Sep 2016, at 3:48pm, Laura BERGOENS <>
> wrote:
> > This query takes 100 seconds approx.
> Once your tables have some convincing data in (does not need to be
> final data, just something useful to see how the values are
> distributed), run "ANALYZE", just once.  It might speed up later
> SELECTs.  It might not.  But a situation where you have many 'AND'
> clauses looking at different columns is exactly what ANALYZE is most
helpful for.
> And yes, a 50 kilorow table is not big by SQLite standards.  I have
> tables with a thousand times that that yield answers to SELECT in 5ms.
> Simon.
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