Suggestion noted, and accepted, but, implementation of database table vs
user_schema, I'm not sure yet.  I know your point isn't about where the
data is, but reference to another mechanism that is available to me.

However, the rabbit I was hoping to pull out of the hat was that the change
in version numbers be done automatically when I make a change in the 3rd
party DB management tool.  But after taking in the entire thread, I
obviously cannot rely on schema_version at all since too many things can
change it mid-application use, or my manipulating it could cause damage.

The only difference on my plate now is that instead of relying on
schema_version with a simple query and compare a previous number to the
current number, I need to do a comparison between "what was", and "what
is", and if found different, alert me that I might have to construct a SQL
statement to update.  I still have to come up with a way to effectively
alert me that a schema change was done, and I need to come up with a SQL
statement to correct the problem.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 8:47 AM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> On 9/8/16, Stephen Chrzanowski <> wrote:
> If you want to manually keep track of your schema version, I suggest
> creating a separate table in the database schema specifically for this
> purpose.
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