Jens Alfke wrote:

On Oct 9, 2016, at 8:15 AM, Howard Chu <> wrote:

Use SQLightning, it's designed specifically for write once read many workloads.

"SQLite3 ported to use LMDB instead of its original Btree code” — sounds great, 
and the performance figures quoted in the readme are impressive. But the source code 
appears to be a modified version of SQLite’s source, which would make it very 
difficult to keep in sync with SQLite, and (as Domingo pointed out) the last commit 
is three years old and seems to be based on SQLite 3.7.17. So far this looks like an 
exciting proof-of-concept, but not something I’d use in a real project.

(By comparison, SQLCipher is also released as a modified copy of SQLite, but 
they sync with SQLite regularly; the latest version from this April is based on 

It would be best if this were implemented as a separate plugin, but as I’m not 
familiar with the innards of SQLite, I’ll assume that simply wasn't feasible. 
(I know SQLite supports VFS plugins, but I think those just operate at the 
paging layer, below the b-tree.)

SQLite3's code structure is monolithic, not modular, so there is no clean way to replace its underlying Btree layer. It's necessarily a hack-and-slash proposition.

As for code freshness, I've seen no compelling new features from 3.8.x onward that would improve performance so there's been no reason to update further. Many of the SQLite performance enhancements from 3.8 are in its own Btree code, which is entirely ripped out in SQLightning and thus irrelevant. On the other hand, there have been multiple regressions (performance and otherwise) in subsequent releases, most often in the query planner, which I've chosen to avoid.


  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP
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